“After a decade of inaction, we can’t waste another minute.”

That was the message from the new Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek as she released the confronting State of the Environment report, which shows wildlife habitat in Australia is in rapid decline.

It’s now indisputable that we must stop logging companies trashing our native forests. We must stop big agribusiness draining our rivers. We must protect all remaining koala habitat.

With just weeks until the NSW election, now is a critical moment to make all the parties lift their level of ambition and write strong nature and climate protections into their election commitments.

Make nature a priority for the 2023 State Election

We are in the home stretch of our ambitious election campaign.

We’ve already had a number of events and candidate forums in key electorates where people are standing up for nature like never before. 

We are ready for the critical opportunity upon us.

If you make a donation today – we can achieve even more.

Here’s how your donation will have an impact:

$5 will get 80 leaflets to volunteers to distribute
$40 will print 650 scorecards to hand out in key electorates
$300 will get leaflets and scorecards in front of 5,000 people

$27,024 raised$40,000 goal

This state election is a major opportunity

So far, NCC has worked with dozens of environment groups to come up with the actions we need from the NSW Government to give nature a fighting chance. See our election platform here.

Our vision includes ending native forest logging, protecting all koala habitat, and cutting climate emissions across the whole economy.

We are all lucky to live in Australia, with its magnificent forests and unique wildlife.

The NSW election is a chance to make big progress and we don’t have a minute to waste.